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Evelyn Stell


List of Compositions


All Sons of Adam SAB (Optional A and B soloists) and Organ

1 copy £2.50

5 and over, £1.50ea

Runner up in the 2002 Baird Ross Trust Competition.  In what was described as a very strong and numerous entry, the adjudicators had difficulty separating this setting from the winner.


Five Voluntaries on Latin Hymns Adoro te devote - In Pace - Veni Emmanuel - O Filii et Filiae -  Alleluia

1 copy £8.00

These well written voluntaries would also be suitable for recital use.  They are contemporary in feeling but not at all difficult for the listener.  The concluding Alleluia is a dazzling tour-de-force in a toccata-like idiom with uneven time signatures that is technically less demanding than it sounds - something all of us value.  It is the sort of piece that, after you have played it, people will come up to you and ask what it is.


Laudes (Voluntary on Victimae Pascali) and Meditation    

1 copy £5.00

Laudes would make a splendid postlude for Easter. The meditation is quietly reflective and may incorporate, optionally, the traditional melody of 'The Lord bless you and keep you' should this be appropriate. The idiom is nice scrunchy modern.


Eucharistic Reflections (A) 

Ten pieces based on Communion Hymns

1 copy £10.00


Dr Stell is the organist in a Catholic church and her pieces are based mainly on plainsong themes.  Most of these however will be familiar to organists in other denominations.  Whilst designed to be extremely simple to play, the compositional idiom is quite sophisticated and sometimes mildly dissonant, and the music thus has a contemporary edge that will be found highly appealing.


Orkney Suite (A/)

(6 Pieces mostly for Manuals also available for Piano Solo)

1 copy £7.00

Prelude - Landscape - The Flow - The Trip to Kirkwall -

Elegy (The Military Funeral) - Sunset

These six pieces were originally commissioned to provide background music for an illustrated DVD of the diary of a gunner in the Royal Marines stationed at Hoxa Head on South Ronaldsay, Orkney, in World War I. However specific this may appear, the music in fact is far more versatile than might be implied by this provenance, and the individual numbers are very suitable as voluntary material. They are also technically very straightforward and thus would be ideal for someone beginning to play the organ. Writing simple but characterful music is far from easy, even if Evelyn makes it appear so.


Summer Pieces (A/A+)

(6 Pieces mostly for Manuals)

1 copy £10.00

These pieces are highly suitable for discriminating reluctants (amongst others) since Evelyn’s style has a welcome touch of gentle astringency that provides a contemporary edge.  The music is full of interest and character.  The pedal parts are mostly of the simplest nature.

Gloria (B+)



This piece won first prize in the 2011 William Baird Ross Competition. (This is held every 3 years for musicians living and working in Scotland.)

The crit from the adjudicators says, in part:
"This piece takes the form of a free improvisation on a plainchant. There is plenty of inventive writing here...textures, tempi and harmonic language are all well contrasted throughout the piece. It is well written for the instrument,... and would benefit from a resourceful organ."

This sober judgement should not mislead one into thinking that this anything other than a very fine piece indeed.


In Tranquil Mode (A)

Six Easy Pieces for Manuals


Martinmas - Canción de Cuna - Pastorale - Prayer - Kyrie XVI - Nocturne

It takes a special sort of skill to write easy music of character and distinction, and these pieces are full of these qualities. They are very suitable for ‘reluctants’, and sight-readable by most.

Going Forth (A/B)



Evelyn writes in the preface: ‘As well as being easy to play, these exit pieces are deliberately flexible. They are of different lengths, each having an optional repeat section, useful when a log-jam forms in the church porch. Although designed for an organ of two manuals and pedals, all can be played on manuals only if necessary, or even on a single manual’.

These delightful pieces, which are gently astringent in the composer’s attractive manner, will be a Godsend if you don’t have much time to practice!

YouTube Videos by Karen Beaumont

Gloria March




Alleluia 2


Rural Suite (A)



Six pieces for organ manuals with occasional ad lib pedals.

This is very attractive simple music with just a little bite, a style which is quite difficult to bring off, but, as usual, Evelyn accomplishes this with considerable fluency – strongly recommended.

YouTube Videos by Karen Beaumont


In Woodland

The Firth

The Shepherd

At Harvest




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Last updated: 19/12/23 20:55:43