
Philip Lord

List of Compositions


 Fanfare and Fantasia (C-D)   £6.00



Phillip Lord was one of your publisher’s mentors when he was at Sheffield University in the 1960’s.  His death from a sudden and unexpected heart attack in 1969 at the age of 39 was truly shocking.  He was an immensely capable all-round musician and as a composer was fluent in many different styles.  Some of his lighter orchestral pieces have stayed in the repertory and have now come out on CD.

The autograph of this Fanfare and Fantasia has recently come to light and while it is written in a relatively severe style (say, Hindemith in a breezy mood) the music is highly polished and carefully worked out with both economy and imagination.  It is a late work, commissioned in 1968 by the West Riding Cathedral Choirs’ Association.  It was played by Graham Matthews (the Master of the Music at Sheffield) as the voluntary after the Festival Evensong on Saturday November 2nd 1968. 

We are extremely pleased to have this item in our lists.


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Last updated: 05/01/20 11:34:51