
Home Catalogue Ordering Submission


Please note that all catalogue prices are now increased by an amount calculated by reference to the Bank of England’s Inflation Calculator. Prices are now quoted for supply by pdf. Please add 25% for hard copy. Postage may be payable (see the ‘How to order page’)

Our prices have not changed since the beginning of the business in 1999 and the cost of printing, materials and equipment has increased markedly since then. (It has not been possible to adjust individually all the prices of the 100s of items listed.)

Where indicated, letters after title indicate approximate level of difficulty, A-B-C-D, A being the easiest.

Please see important note about Choral music on the Order Page (item 3).#

Offprints from Voluntary Collections are available at £1.00 PDF or £1.50 hard copy.

For virtually all computer-set choral items, we can create practice files for each individual voice. These reproduce the chosen voice louder than the surrounding parts and are an invaluable aid to private learning which will shorten full practice time considerably.
The cost is 5.00 GB pounds per voice, but you can circulate these files to any number of singers.

We regret that viewing via Avid ‘Scorch’ is no longer available.

Please note that some scores start on Page 2 (Page 1 will appear blank).


1. Fagus-Music.Com Listings by Composer

2. On Angels' Wings - Fagus Carol Collection

3A. The Fagus Book of Trumpet and Tuba Tunes (A - C)

3B. The Second Fagus Book of Trumpet and Tuba Tunes (A - C)

4. The Fagus Book of Communion Interludes (A - B)

5.  The Fagus Book of Interludes and Offertories (A/A+)

6.  The Fagus Book of Harvest Voluntaries (B / B+)

7.  The Fagus Book of Christmas Voluntaries  (A - C)

8. Oecumuse

9.  The Fagus Collection of Quiet Voluntaries for Easter

10. The Fagus Book of Voluntaries for Manuals (Mostly A/B)

11. The Second Fagus Book of Voluntaries for Manuals (Mostly A/B)

12. The Fagus Book of Slow Movements from 18th Century English Voluntaries

13.  Major Collection: CANTICA NOVA 2

14.  2017 Wilmslow Parish Church Organ Composition Contest

15. The Fagus Book of Turbo-Charged Hymns for Congregation and Organ

16.  The Fagus Book of Voluntaries based on Plainsong Hymn Tunes

17. The Fagus Collection of Edwardian Preludes

18. The Fagus Book of Advent Voluntaries (A -D)


1. Fagus-Music.Com Listings by Composer


Frederick Cook Atkinson

Geoffrey Atkinson (Composer/Arranger)

Geoffrey Atkinson (Editor)

Geoffrey Atkinson (Fagus Christmas Carols)

Thomas Adams - See Geoffrey Atkinson (Editor)

David Adkins

Tim Attride



Rob Baker

John Barnard

Reginald Barrett-Ayres

David Barton

Karen Beaumont

Gwilym Beechey

Gaston Bélier - See Geoffrey Atkinson (Editor)

Richard Benger

John Bennett - See Geoffrey Atkinson (Editor)

Christopher Boodle

David Bruce-Payne

Stephen Burtonwood

Roger Bush

George Butterworth



Ronald Center

Humphrey Clucas

Geoffrey Coker



Brian Daniels

Paul Davis

Peter Davis

Michael Dawney

Claude Debussy



Paul Edwards

Edward Elgar

John Ellis

Robin Erskine

Charles Evans

Archibald Ewing



Duncan Faulkner

John Fishwick

Myles B. Foster - See Geoffrey Atkinson (Editor)



Michael Garrett

Nigel Gaze

Christopher Gower

François Gossec - See Brian Daniels

Maurice Greene - See Geoffrey Atkinson (Editor)

Edvard Greig - See Gwilym Beechey and Geoffrey Atkinson

Alexandre Guilmant



Norman Harper

Gary Higginson

Gustav Holst

Peter Horton

Vernon Hoyle



Roger Jacob

Alastair Johnston

Jenny Jones



Gordon Lawson

Philip Lord



Pietro Mascagni

Kyle McCallum

Norman Moy


Mussorgsky - See Arthur Wills



Peter Naylor

New Zealand Composers (various)

Christopher Nickol

June Nixon



James Oswald



C H H Parry

Charles Paterson

Dora Pejacevic

Miguel Pérez

Paul Paviour

Charles Piroye - See Geoffrey Atkinson (Editor)



Tony Read

Eric Reid

Josef Rheinberger

Alison Robertson

Gilbert Rowland

William Russell - See Geoffrey Atkinson (Editor)



Camille Saint-Saëns - See Michael Dawney

Dario Salvi – See Ronald Watson (Brass Band)

C C Saul

Martin Setchell

Sandy Small

Alan Smith

Stuart Marston Smith

Evelyn Stell

David Stevens



Guiseppe Tartini

Thomas Tomkins & Thomas Weelkes

George Towers

John Travers - See Geoffrey Atkinson (Editor)



Philip Underwood



Charles Villiers Stanford (1852-1924)



Leslie Waters

Orly Watson

Ronald Watson

Samuel Wesley - See Geoffrey Atkinson (Editor)

 Samuel Sebastian Wesley

Dennis Wickens

Philip Wilby

Arthur Wills

Andrew Worton-Steward


2. On Angels' Wings - Fagus Carol Collection

Fagus Christmas Carol Book 2006


3A. The Fagus Book of Trumpet and Tuba Tunes (A - C)

Trumpet and Tuba Tunes


3B. The Second Fagus Book of Trumpet and Tuba Tunes (A - C)

Trumpet and Tuba Tunes



4.  The Fagus Book of Communion Interludes (A - B)

Communion Interludes



5. The Fagus Book of  Interludes and Offertories (A/A+)

Interludes and Offertories


6.  The Fagus Book of Harvest Voluntaries

Harvest Voluntaries


7.  The Fagus Book of Christmas Voluntaries

Christmas Voluntaries

8. Oecumuse

Fagus-Music.Com publishes its own music and has now assumed responsibility
for some of the significant material formerly published by OecumuseList updated 20th October 2010.

We regret that due to the fact that most items published by Oecumuse were not produced on modern computers
we cannot show you the music or offer playback.

Some prices have changed - please ask for a quote.

9.  The Fagus Collection of Quiet Voluntaries for Easter

Easter Voluntaries


10The Fagus Book of Voluntaries for Manuals

Manual Voluntaries


11The Second Fagus Book of Voluntaries for Manuals

Manual Voluntaries


12 The Fagus Book of Slow Movements from 18th Century English Voluntaries

18th Century English Voluntaries



A Major Collection CANTICA NOVA 2


14. 2017 Wilmslow Parish Church Organ Composition Contest

Composition Contest

15. The Fagus Book of Turbo-Charged Hymns for Congregation and Organ

40 Hymn Arrangements of Well-known Hymns

 16. The Fagus Book of Voluntaries based on Plainsong Hymn Tunes

Plainsong Hymn Tunes

17. The Fagus Collection of Edwardian Preludes

Edwardian Preludes

 18. The Fagus Book of Advent Voluntaries

Advent Voluntaries


Home Catalogue Ordering Submission

Last updated: 05 March 2025