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The Fagus Book of Communion Interludes (A - B)


Price £16.00

Or £3.00 each (printed on 160 gsm card and supplied in a plastic sheath)


Pange Lingua

Geoffrey Atkinson

Four Interludes

Gwilym Beechey


Pastor Pastorum 

Tantum Ergo


Unde et Memores

Jesu, Meine Freude

Humphrey Clucas


Brian Daniels

Rockingham - Bread of Heaven

Albano -Adoro Te Devote

Five Interludes

Michael Dawney

Adoro Te Devote


Sanctus XVIII

Pange lingua

O Filii et Filiae

Chant sans paroles

Paul Edwards

Three Interludes

John Ellis

Two Interludes

Nigel Gaze

Two Interludes

Christopher Gower


Alastair Johnston

Two Meditations

Peter Naylor


Deck Thyself, My Soul

Two Interludes

Alan Smith

Adoro Te Devote

Liebster Jesu

Ave verum corpus

Evelyn Stell


David Stevens


* Reprints from Oecumuse or Fagus-Music.com


The Fagus-Book of Trumpet and Tuba Tunes proved very popular when it was issued last March.  Now we are pleased to offer no fewer than 28 Communion Interludes by many of Fagus’s well-known composers.  Most of the items could also be used elsewhere, but the title gives some idea of the nature of these contemplative pieces, none of which are difficult.  For 70 pages of highly usable music this must be a real bargain.           



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Last updated: 03/03/24 14:05:55