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Josef Rheinberger

List of Compositions


Three Transcriptions (B/B+)
Abendlied - Canzone - Pastorale
Transcribed by Geoffrey Atkinson

Rheinberger, the most famous composer of organ works in the 19th century after Mendelssohn, wrote two works for the oddly neglected medium of violin and organ, the Six Pieces op 150 and the Suite op 166. (These, by the way, are thoroughly recommended for inclusion in an organ recital if a competent violinist is available.)
The present arrangements are offered in the hope that, in a more accessible medium, wider knowledge and use of these works may be achieved. These fluently written movements are charming and not particularly demanding; they are eminently suitable as voluntaries or recital material. The aim has been to create viable and satisfying writing for the organ which avoids awkwardness while at the same time attempts to get as close as practicable to the spirit of the original.


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Last updated: 03/03/24 14:01:47