
Home Catalogue Ordering Submission

Nigel Gaze

List of Compositions

Abacus  Suite of 9 pieces (A/B/B+)     £12.00ea

Prologue - Bicenium - Waltz-Trio - Alla Marcia - Chorale - Pastorale - Septenarius - Recitative - Peal

Nigel continues to provide delightful and stylistically widely ranging music that will make very useful voluntaries or indeed teaching pieces. Even the Mrs Things of this world (remember her ?) would be able to cope with some of these, and, if she were to do so, would surely be complimented on her imagination in selecting them.


An Advent Triptych on ‘Veni Emmanuel’ (B/B+)   Moderato -  Alla Sarabanda - Maestoso £8.00ea

Coincidentally this is the same tune put through slightly different paces - you could even use the three movements of this work before, during, and after the same service.  This is fluently written in a slightly spare idiom that suits the tune very well.


Carol Procession (B)  (manuals - with optional pedal) £3.00ea

This is a charming medieval pastiche, incorporating the ‘Song of the Nuns of Chester’, and the piece has an offbeat and original flavour which distinguishes itself from the usual Christmas offerings.


Claveçin (A/B)   Three Sketches for Harpsichord or Organ with Homage to François Couperin £7.00ea
Procession (B)



It is good to welcome an old friend from Oecumuse days to the Fagus lists (there are some reissues below).  Many of you will have some of Nigel Gaze’s pieces already.  ‘Claveçin’ is an affectionate pastiche while ‘Procession’ was written for Nigel’s daughter’s wedding.  It is very suitable for such a purpose, but there is no reason why the piece should not be played on other occasions as appropriate, and it would make a very good postlude.


Epiphany (B-C) ((Three Improvisations on 'Wie schon leuchtet der Morgenstern')


 This fluently written music based on ‘How brightly gleams the morning star’ will be found a very useful item once the excesses of the festive season are over.  The pieces could be played as a ‘prelude - offertory - postlude’ set if one wished.


Homage to Hayden (Minuet and Trio) (B)


 The composer’s note says it all: ‘This piece is an arrangement of an earlier work scored for orchestra; though a pastiche, it may be useful in a programme where real organ music by Haydn (hard to come by) would be appropriate’.


In Memoriam (B)


This is the composer’s response to the loss of a dear friend.  His note reads, ‘The dedicatee, Graham Thornhill, was a gentle and supportive all-round good-egg:  architect, skilled organist and singer, and enthusiast for the music of Bach and Elgar.  He also loved railways’.  Clearly the music is highly suited for a funeral or memorial service.


Old College Sketches (B)   

Lirica  - Poet’s Court


Nigel’s music has always gone down well with both Oecumuse and now Fagus customers.  Like the Clucas work above these are easy-going, melodious pieces but a touch more difficult and elaborate.


Healey Suite (A/B)   

Chorale - Bergamask - Minuett - Ballad - Morris


The composer says that, ‘while this Suite was written for a small one manual organ (like that in St Paul’s Church, Healey) there is no reason why it should not be played on an immense organ if required’.  This is effective and charming music.


Fulbert’s Ground (B+)



This piece was found a little too exuberant for the collection of quiet voluntaries noted above, but it would make a fine postlude for an Easter service. As might be expected a fragment of the well-known tune strides through the texture. St. Fulbert was the bishop of the Cathedral of Chartres from 1006 till 1028. One of Fulbert’s hymns was “Chorus Novae Jerusalem” (Ye Choirs of New Jerusalem), to be sung at Easter services. Hence the appropriateness of the name of H J Gauntlet’s hymn tune sung to these words in many hymn books.


Ages of Man (B/B+)
(After relief sculptures round a font by Thomas Nicholls)



INFANTIA - (mother and child) - ADOLESCENTIA (a youthful figure) - VIRILITAS (an armored military figure) - SENECTAS (an aged man reading from Ecclesiastes)

The noble estate church of St Mary, Studley Royal, stands in the deer park near Fountains Abbey. The masterpiece of Victorian architect William Burges, the church houses a commanding and unspoiled organ by T C Lewis, and a treasure-trove of symbolic sculpture. Encircling the font are relief sculptures by Thomas Nicholls, representing the four ages of man. This is the inspiration for this unusual and intriguing work. The reprise of the theme of the first movement at the very end is a haunting and inspired moment.


Places (B-C)



Gracious Street (from Knaresborough) - Aedicula (from Walsingham) - Pirouettes (from Saravejo) - Tunél de Sobral (from the Algarve)

These widely varying pieces are linked by the idea that each location has an idiosyncratic identity which can be expressed in musical terms. This suite is probably best in a recital though ‘Aedicula’ (‘shrine’) could easily be played as a voluntary. ‘Tunél’ is indeed a (road) tunnel, and this movement is good fun.


Pastoral Preludes (A/B)



Eclogue - Idyll - Canticle

Here Nigel has responded to the request for something a little easier with these charming short pieces.


Paean on ‘Golden Sheaves’ (B+)



The technique employed here is familiar enough - Sullivan’s great harvest tune is placed largely in the pedals with quaver movement divided between the hands. This piece would make a splendid postlude for a harvest festival service. It is not too difficult but you would need to work at the manual parts! (and you would have time to get it up for October).


Movements for Chamber Organ (B+)



These four pieces were inspired by the chamber organ by Gray & Davison (c.1860) which graces the Lady Chapel of Temple Moore’s wonderful church of St Wilfrid in Harrogate.


Pentecost (6 Pieces) (Mostly B)
(Five Peaceful Preludes and a Postlude)



The tunes are ‘Veni sancte spiritus’ (Webbe), ‘Sudely’ (Stainer), ‘Warrington’ (Harrison), ‘Felix Dies’ (plainsong), ‘Charity and ‘Capetown’ (Stainer and Filitz),and ‘Veni Creator’ (Dykes).

This is just what you need to freshen up your voluntaries, for that season of the year some of us still call Whitsun. In the last piece (the Postlude) the choir are invited to stay back to deliver the tune in a triumphant unison.


Sonatina (C)



This work has been commissioned by Carson Cooman who is an eminent American composer and organist. Since 2006 he has held the position of Composer in Residence at the Memorial Church, Harvard University. This sonatina is a little more astringent than some of Nigel’s other pieces - nothing wrong with that - and it is a very successful exercise in creating an attractive and intriguing concert work.


Songs without Words (C)



The title says it all. These pieces are highly suitable for introductory voluntaries, and are dedicated to Carson Cooman, the organist of Harvard University Chapel.


Toccata - Rondo (B/C)



This is an ear-ticking contribution from one of our most prolific and gifted composers.


Trinity - A Tryptych for Organ (B)
Nicaea - Ad Tuum Nomen - Dunfermline



This will be found a helpful and useful small collection for a somewhat neglected Sunday of the year. They could also feature in a recital this the first is recalled at the end of the third piece.


Winmarleigh Suite (B/C)
Five Pastoral Improvisations for Organ


Gymel March - Interlude on Coventry Carol - Plough Sunday Postlude - Memorial - Wassail Carillon

St. Luke’s Winmarleigh is a pretty estate church by Paley and Austin, set in windswept isolation near the north Lancashire coast.
  Its Arts and Crafts interior houses a fine 2 manual organ by Father Henry Willis, given by Lord Winmarleigh when the church was built in 1871.  Nigel is currently organist at this church.

Fluently written, these pieces will make very useful voluntaries.


Humoreske (Three Light Excursions for Organ) (B-/B+)


One-Two-Three - Mozart in the Morning - Capriccio

These pieces are typical of Nigel in a cheerful spring-like mood. They will be useful as voluntaries or as light relief in a recital.


Two Contrasting Recessionals (B)


Closing meditation - Postlude on ‘Gopsal’

Sometimes a quiet postlude is entirely appropriate and the first of these two pieces admirable fulfills this purpose. The second is a lot noisier!


Variants to the Sussex Carol (B/C)



This is an interesting 7 minute exploration of some of the possibilities of one of the most popular carols.


Arcimboldo - Three Fruity Tributes (B-C)
Toccata Frangolese - Sarabanda Ciliega - Carillion Arancione



Giuseppe Arcimoldo (c. 1530 - 1593) was a Milanese painter and designer. He is remembered today for his ingenious series of fantasy paintings of people made up of fruit and vegetables. These ‘Tributes’ are highly entertaining and would be something to contrast with more meaty items in a recital, or would perhaps be appropriate for a harvest festival service.


Overture in F (William Boyce 1711-1779) (B)
arranged for Manuals by Nigel Gaze



This is one of many of Boyce’s very characteristic overtures, dished up for organ in an authentic manner (so it won’t offend the purists).


Procession to a Memorial (B+)
(For Dr. Colin Parsons and the Ashton Hall Organ)



James Williamson, later Lord Ashton, amassed a fortune from lino. His beautiful memorial to his late wife has dominated the skyline above Lancaster since 1909, and it can be seen as you pass Lancaster on the M6. It was designed by the London architect Sir John Belcher.


 Five Pieces based on French Church Melodies (B/C)
Grenoble - Coutances - A Pentecost Dialogue - Rouen Melodies - Angers



Rugged old tunes given treatment strong and poetic by turns. There would always be opportunities for these to be used as voluntaries.


Suite in A minor (B/C)
Earth - Air - Fire - Water



The four elements are here evoked in colourful and expressive music, and the suite would make a very interesting item in a recital. ‘Water’ is especially effective.


Thanksgiving March (B)



Subtitled ‘Deliverance’ Nigel is here anticipating the end of current restrictions


Variations on ‘Sawley’ (B)



This hymn tune is often the one used for 'God make my life a little light'. The original composer, James Walch, was a musician and composer, born near Bolton in 1837. He spent his early life in the town and was organist in several churches there, including the parish church of St George’s. He composed at least four published hymn tunes of which ‘Sawley’ was written in 1860.


Gigue en Rondeau (B)
(Jean-Philippe Rameau)



This is a sparkling arrangement of a keyboard piece by the well-known French composer.


Fantasy on ‘Niagara’ (C)



The hymn tune ‘Niagara’ is by Robert Jackson (b. Oldham, Lancashire, England, 1840; d. Oldham, 1914.) It is often used for ‘The Lord is King’ and here in this piece the association conjured up by its title is well-expressed in this arrangement.


The Winnmarleigh Waltzes (B)



Nigel thought these dances might enliven a recital or concert where the mood was light and entertaining.


At Evening Time (A)



Quiet variants on 'Eudoxia' (Sabine Baring Gould, 1834-1925) and 'Angelus' (Georg Joseph Scheffler, 1657).
This is a very simple but effective piece for a peaceful service of Evensong

Wedding Rondeau (B)



This is based on 'Haste ye to the Wedding' a traditional English country dance, which will go down well at any stage in a marriage ceremony.

Three Equali (arr. from Beethoven) (A)



Arranger’s note: These ‘Equali’, written in 1812 for Linz Cathedral, were first performed in versions for a male chorus, and then for a quartet of trombones (2 altos, tenor and bass). They were not published until after Beethoven’s death, but were performed at his funeral in the choral version to words by Ritter and Grillparzer.

No registration is marked but contrasting 8 foot stops suggesting the soft sonority of early trombones should be appropriate - N.R.G.

A Harvest Overture (B+)



This sprightly and most useful piece is in the style of a two-movement Baroque work. It is based on two tunes familiar at Harvest time – St. George and Wir pflügen.


Four Bagatelles (for organ manuals or piano) (B)



These four contrasted movements make a very pleasant lightweight suite, and, inter alia, would be very useful for ‘reluctant organists.


Sorrento (for piano) B



Unique in our lists is this, a work for piano, recalling a holiday in the famous Italian cliff-top town in southwestern Italy.

The movements are Morning – Liberation March – A Garden and Saltarello.
The piano writing is idiosyncratic but extremely effective.

Hymn Tune Voluntaries Vol. 1 (A/B+)  



Over the years Nigel has written many voluntaries based on hymn tunes and here is the first of two volumes containing the master’s further thoughts on his favourite tunes. The piece are quite substantial - the 10 included here occupy 47 pages.

Hymn Tune Voluntaries Vol. 2 (A/B+)  



Over the years Nigel has written many voluntaries based on hymn tunes and here is the second of two volumes containing the master’s further thoughts on his favourite tunes. The piece are quite substantial - the 10 included here occupy 42 pages.
Contents: Misericordia, Nicaea, Nun Freut Euch, Old 125th, Pastor Pastorum, St Columba, Slane, This Joyful Eastertide. To God be the Glory, Veni Creator

 Special offer: both Volumes £20.00

Organ Music

Two Christmas Pieces (B) 

Advent Postlude on 'Winchester New'
Christmas Postlude on 'Chestnut' (‘God rest ye merry, gentlemen)


These are two rather jolly pieces to freshen up your seasonal repertoire.


Tribute ‘Titanic’ 1912 (B)  



This is a heartfelt elegy on the well-know tragedy incorporating two of the tunes associated with the hymn ‘Nearer, my, to Thee’.


Gigue-Rondeau on a French Folk Dance (B+)



This is a really cheerful piece in a mock-Baroque style.


My Bonnie Dearie (A)



This gentle piece was written as a wedding interlude and is based on the Scottish folk song ‘Ca’ the yowes’, which was collected (not composed it should be said) by Robert Burns. RVW made a famous choral setting of the pretty tune.


Postlude for Plough Sunday and other occasions (B+)



This is another highly good-humoured item from Nigel incorporating two folk tunes - ‘The Plough Boy’ and ‘the Farmer’s Boy’. This is worth buying for the cover alone.


Autumn Pieces - Four Impressions (B+)



Atmospheric music, mostly for manuals, with a rousing march to finish.


The Cat’s Fugue (B)



This is an arrangement of Domenico Scarlatti’s famous Sonata K.30. Clearly this is not very authentic (with its added pedal part) but great fun. It would make a splendid encore.


Three Festive Pieces (B/B+)
Toccata Postlude on ‘Laast uns Erfreuen’, A Birthday March, March-Postlude



This is music to bring any service to a cheerful conclusion. The ‘Birthday March’ is based on the appalling ‘Happy Birthday to You’, but it might be useful in occasional circumstances.


Bagatelles - Six Varied Pieces (B/B+)
Prologue, Cradle Song, Meditation, Scherzetto, Carol, Time-Piece



The composer states ‘These ‘Bagatelles’ were originally written as ‘Comments on the Winmarleigh Poems’ by the Rev. Sandy Reynolds, army chaplain and sometime vicar of Winmarleigh, Lancashire. They stand as an affectionate memorial to him.


Gallimaufry (B)
For Organ Manuals
Ritornel - Chimera - Barker’s Mill - Bendictus - Jack in the Green



This is a slightly eccentric, but none the less attractive, collection of pieces. With reference to the final movement, the benign spirit of nature and the seasons, the Green Man, ‘Jack in the Green’, may still be seen in ancient buildings. His carved face peers through leaves, usually a motif high on the column or roof boss. This is a delightful scherzo-like movement.


An Octave of Short Pieces (Mainly B/B+)
Reflections - St Margaret’s Court – Trio – Meditation – Capriccio – Intermezzo – Bucolico – Finale



This is a useful collection of very varied pieces


Commemoration (B-C)
Processional Prelude – Alla Sarabande – Levavi Oculos – Morning Carillon



These are four varied pieces which constitute a short and effective suite for a recital, or which can be used as individual voluntaries. There were written for a local celebration at an Arts Centre.


New Year Music (B-C)
‘Wareham’ – ‘Orentibus Partibus’ – ‘Christmas’



These are seasonal hymn tune voluntaries – useful for the ‘dead’ period after the customary festivities.


Jubilee March



This is an occasional piece written for the forthcoming celebrations.


Two Postludes (B-C)
Postlude on ‘Richmond’, Fantasia on ‘Leoni’



These are two very effective recessionals.


Two Quiet Meditations (B)
‘Mechlin’, ‘Legende’



Either of these could be paired with either of the above if you would like to celebrate the continuing fecundity of this composer’s muse.


Dedications (B)
Four Voluntaries on well-known hymns
St. Michael – St. Luke – Christchurch – All Saints



This is straightforward, approachable and useful music.


Coronation March (B+)



A nicely timed addition to our catalogue this piece breaths the spirit of the British celebratory march (eg Elgar and Walton come to mind) with a cheerful A section and a sweeping melody for the B section.


Riverdene, Kirkdale (B)
Two Quiet Pieces for Organ



These pieces are relatively simple, poetic and very effective.




A Kirkland Prelude and Postlude (B)
A Meditation and Finale on 'St. Helen'



A plangent first section and an ebullient second section comprise these very effective new pieces.


Lanterns (A/B)
Five Interludes for manuals



Useful little pieces suitable as fillers. Keep handy for emergencies!





A Trumpet Epilogue (B)



A cheerful postlude in familiar vein.




Service Music

Winmarleigh Communion Service (A)  

For unison voices and organ


This is music of the simplest nature for use in a village church or similar. The cost includes a full score for voices and organ, and a congregational card, all of which may be freely copied without further charge. We can of course do your printing (and the laminating of the card) so please ask for a quote if you need this.
We gather the Winmarleighians are delighted with their piece.


Home Catalogue Ordering Submission

Last updated: 15 September 2024