Paul Paviour
List of Compositions
A Cambridge Suite (B/C) | Prelude: By the Cam, Student High Jinks, In the great Chapel of Kings, The Chancellor’s Procession | £10.00 |
This is an early work dating from 1953 by a distinguished musician who has lived and worked in Australia for many years. The style is gently dissonant in an attractive mildly Hindemithian sort of way and the music is suitable for voluntaries, recitals and teaching.
Four Liturgical Impromptus (B/C) | Prelude for Pentecost - Scherzetto for Septuagesima - Sarabande for a Saint’s Day - Epilogue for Epiphany | £10.00 |
These pieces are very well written and attractive in the composer’s distinctly personal, mildly dissonant style. They would make excellent teaching pieces for advanced students, and for recitals, but might be found a little too complex for the grannies as ordinary voluntaries
Conceived in honour of one of Norfolk’s most celebrated folk singers these sparkling movements based on traditional tunes are a real delight; this is especially true of the concluding Toccata where Percy Grainger may be seen to shake hands with John Adams, in a splendid perpetuum mobile.
These are highly attractive reflective pieces which any working organist will find immediately useful, and also serve the Fagus campaign for decent simple organ music.
SATB Unaccompanied | One copy £4.00 Five or more each £3.00 |
Four carols to contemporary texts written for the choir of
Last updated: 03/03/24 14:01:04