Richard Benger
List of Compositions
Voluntary Jazz (B/C) | Fantasia - Coloratura - Arabesque | £10.00 |
Richard featured in the Oecumuse lists and we welcome him to Fagus with this suite of movements in a contemporary idiom with pungent harmonies and spicy rhythms. While on occasion useful as voluntaries, the Suite as a whole would make a splendid recital item.
A Little Organ Book of Funeral and Memorial Music (A/B) | £12.00 |
Richard plays at his local crematorium and he has
created this collection of 10 pieces to add variety to his repertoire. Most are
of the simplest imaginable (while still being music) and thus this volume will
be of great interest to players of limited skill and experience. The pieces are:
Preludes on ‘Crimond’, ‘Eventide’, ‘St Clement’, ‘Amazing Grace’, and ‘All
things bright and beautiful’, also Woodland Epitaph, Little Cortège, The
Londonderry Air, Consolation, Melody.
Alleluia - O Sons and Daughters (B+) | £5.00 |
This is a rousing postlude for the Easter season, based on the well-known 17C tune ‘O Filii et Filiae’. Chordal passages interweave with toccata-like figurations, however this is all not very difficult.
Herald Angels (C) | £5.00 |
This is a jazzy Christmas postlude which is extremely effective, and which would make a fine conclusion to a family carol service.
Last updated: 05 Jan 2020